Fill with joy as you visit ANITA. The Adair Fair awaits. You will understand what it is to be happy, to be free. You will remember the MAGIC of child-like wonder and be CHEERY forever!
Become a part of Anita, and Anita will become a part of YOU. YOU! Bring your friends along in this journey, and their bodies will help Anita grow! Feel the heartbeat when you walk into the fair, breathe in with her. Take in the smell of popcorn and cotton candy, and know you're HOME. Anita may not know why, but she can't wait to meet you!
Unless... it's not you. Is it you?
Not the you Anita was speaking to! You are a new YOU! A you she can take in with open arms, and help guide you where you deserve.

Let Anita change your heart! "Anita's Great Transformation" can be found at Adair Carnival of Family Magic, already near you.
If you can’t get enough of the fun, enjoy more of your favorite cheerleader and follow along with her adventures through her charming comics and recorded cartoons!